1 File 2 Help 3 Main Menu 4 Main Menu 5 Main Menu 6 Main Menu 7 Main Menu 8 Main Menu 9 Main Menu 10 Ready 40001 Convert! 40002 Convert 40005 About this application 40009 Exit program 41000 Error: Unable to create the main window. 41001 Error: Unable to register the application class. 41002 Error: Unable to create tool/status bars. 41003 Error: Source file not specified. 41005 Error: Error opening the source file. 41006 Error: Error opening the destination file. 41010 Conversion complete. 41011 Command Line Parameters:\n\nExe2Aut.exe /in [/out ] [/pass ] 41014 Error: Unable to create temporary files. 41015 Error: An error was encountered while trying to read in the script file and/or include files. 41016 Error: Unable to create the compiled archive. 41019 Error: Incorrect passphrase for this script file. 41020 Error: Unable to open the compiled script. 41021 Error: Unsupported script file version. 41022 Error: The executable file is not recognised as a compiled AutoIt script. 41023 Error: A requested file could not be extracted from the compiled script. 41024 Error: Unable to create output.